Becoming a business owner with the help of Agefiph: a personalized journey to success.

aide à la création d’entreprise agefiph

Becoming a business owner with the help of Agefiph: a personalized path to success

Precious assistance for entrepreneurs with disabilities

Agefiph, the Association for the Management of the Fund for the Professional Integration of Disabled Persons, is an organization that supports people with disabilities in their project to start a business. Through specific programs and personalized support, Agefiph enables these entrepreneurs to overcome the obstacles related to their disabilities and embark on the adventure of entrepreneurship.

Solutions tailored to each situation

Agefiph offers personalized support for entrepreneurs with disabilities. Whether it is for the creation phase of the business, for the development of activities, or for daily management, the organization implements solutions adapted to each step of the entrepreneurial journey.

With financial assistance, specific training, and personalized follow-up, entrepreneurs with disabilities can benefit from essential support to successfully carry out their project. Agefiph’s objective is to promote the professional integration of people with disabilities by helping them become full-fledged business owners.

A personalized path to success

The support offered by Agefiph is designed to meet the specific needs of each entrepreneur with disabilities. A dedicated advisor is responsible for assessing the entrepreneur’s situation, defining their needs, and implementing a personalized action plan.

Thanks to this individualized support, entrepreneurs with disabilities can receive assistance tailored to their needs and constraints. Whether it is to secure financing, to undergo training, or to benefit from regular follow-ups, Agefiph is there to support these entrepreneurs in their endeavor.


What are the criteria to benefit from Agefiph’s assistance?

To benefit from Agefiph’s assistance, one must have a disability recognized by the MDPH (Departmental House for Disabled Persons) and have a project to start a business. It is also necessary to reside in France and be registered as a job seeker.

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How to request assistance from Agefiph?

To request assistance from Agefiph, you must contact the organization by phone or email to make an appointment with an advisor. The advisor will assess the situation of the entrepreneur with disabilities and define the actions to be taken to support them in their business creation project.

What types of assistance can be obtained from Agefiph?

Agefiph offers various forms of assistance for entrepreneurs with disabilities, such as financial aid, specific training, personalized support, and advice for business management. These aids are intended to facilitate the professional integration of people with disabilities and promote their success as business owners.

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